Flagger Force | eduMe

How the traffic control company boosts frontline retention by 68% with Beekeeper and eduMe

Learn how traffic control company Flagger Force unifies frontline training and communication with Beekeeper and eduMe to improve engagement, retention, and safety compliance.

With Beekeeper and eduMe, Flagger Force unifies frontline training and communication, providing frontline workers with a single platform to connect with colleagues, access critical information and updates, and enhance their skills.
Key results
Engagedworkers,strengthening the connection between frontline and corporate stafm
Facilitatedtheeasydeliveryof microlearning, allowing quick, effective trainin
Improvedsafetyandcompliance, with workers scoring 11% higher on safety metrics

Flagger Force used traditional internal communication methods like newsletters and email blasts, which proved ineffective for its deskless, field-based workforce. This approach created a disconnect between frontline staff and corporate offices, impacting productivity and trust. The lack of accessible training materials also compromised safety compliance.


Flagger Force launched the Beekeeper app, branded “In the Zone” (ITZ), to create a centralized hub for updates and resources. This was further enhanced by integrating the eduMe-hosted training into a widget on the ITZ Beekeeper app home screen, providing one-tap access to safety and compliance training. This integration provides frontline workers with easy access to essential training and communication — all in one place.


The integration of Beekeeper and eduMe streamlined communication and training for Flagger Force. Beekeeper’s adoption hit 98% within a year, while eduMe’s training modules saw immediate results with 84% completion shortly after launch. This unified approach boosted employee engagement, improved retention, and enhanced overall safety and performance.

“We needed a communication solution that fit our dispersed, crew- centric culture and could keep our frontline workers informed, no matter where they were.”
Tamara Palmer | Internal Communications Manager, Flagger Force

Managing frontline communication across 1,000+ job sites

Rain or shine, Flagger Force’s traffic control workers are out in the field, ensuring that communities stay safe and infrastructure remains intact. However, effectively communicating with these frontline workers — spread across over 1000 job sites daily and constantly on the move — proved challenging for Flagger Force.

Previously, corporate staff shared information with frontline workers through quarterly newsletters, email blasts to personal email accounts, and in-person training. But rather than creating open lines of communication between frontline and corporate staff, this approach only highlighted the division between the two.

“Frontline workers weren’t consistently receiving important messages, which created a noticeable divide between them and the corporate office,” says Tamara Palmer, Internal Communications Manager, Flagger Force.

This communication breakdown not only affected productivity — an issue for 18% of frontline workers — but also eroded the trust and accountability critical for a cohesive work environment. “We needed a communication solution that fit our dispersed, crew-centric culture and could keep our frontline workers informed, no matter where they were,” says Palmer.

With safety as a core value, Flagger Force also recognized the need to improve access to safety training and compliance resources. Given that work zones present significant risks — crashes in these areas cause more than two fatalities per day across the U.S. — the company wanted a better way to address critical safety issues such as injury rates, work zone observations, and fleet safety performance.

“In addition to improving communication between the frontline and corporate offices, we also needed to ensure our workers had easy access to the materials they need to stay safe and compliant while on the job,” says Palmer.


Integrating communication and training for a safer, more engaged frontline

Flagger Force’s first step in improving communication and training was launching the Beekeeper app for internal communications, branded internally as “In the Zone” (ITZ). This platform provides frontline workers with a centralized hub to connect with colleagues, receive updates, and access job-related resources.

To further improve safety compliance and procedural knowledge, Flagger Force integrated eduMe-hosted training into Beekepeer. The integration is available primarily as a widget on the Beekeeper home screen. It provides one-tap access to training materials, consolidating communications and knowledge reinforcement into a single, user-friendly platform.

“With employees already highly active in the app, integrating the eduMe microlearning LMS into Beekeeper made good business sense, streamlining access to training and company updates for a more cohesive worker experience,” says Palmer.

The embedded eduMe widget, known as “FF Learn” within the company, offers microlearning modules covering key topics such as health and safety, warehouse processes, and company onboarding. These short training bursts ensure compliance, facilitate easy delivery, reinforce knowledge shared in person, and enhance accessibility through mobile devices, allowing workers to engage with content in under five minutes.

Frontline workers are required to use multiple tools – from paper-based documents to multiple apps or digital tools just to do their daily work. By simplifying the entry path and process to critical training and embedding it where they already are, training engagement increases. The knock-on effect of higher training engagement is everything from higher job satisfaction to safer daily operation.


Enhancing frontline safety and engagement with Beekeeper and eduMe

Within a very short time, the benefits of the Beekeeper ITZ app became clear: “In just six months, we achieved 80% voluntary adoption of Beekeeper, and within a year, adoption soared to 98%,” says Palmer.

And workers aren’t just using the app — they’re actively engaging with it. “We’ve seen substantial engagement, averaging 20,000 posts and 75,000 comments each year,” says Palmer.

When FF Learn, was introduced, the results were equally impressive. “Within three days, 84% of employees had accessed and completed their FF Learn modules,” says Palmer. “This high level of voluntary participation was a clear indication to leadership that we’d made the right decision.”

The eduMe integration has also had a positive impact on product adoption. Since integration, engagement with the Beekeeper app overall has increased by 20%. Additionally, employees actively using the app are 68% more likely to stay with Flagger Force, and 49% more likely to receive promotions or be recognized as high performers.

The eduMe integration also plays a crucial role in Flagger Force’s driver safety program. Employees who complete eduMe lessons show significant improvements in driving performance, scoring 11% higher on safety metrics than those who haven’t completed the lessons.

“Bringing eduMe’s microlearning modules into Beekeeper has transformed how we support frontline workers,” says Palmer. “It keeps them informed, engaged, and performing at their best, directly improving their safety and benefiting the communities we serve.”

 Jacob Waern eduMe
“eduMe’s integration with Beekeeper ensures that the knowledge frontline workers need is highly visible and can be reached in as few steps as possible. This not only improves the experience but makes it easier for frontline workers to access the information they need to be safe, productive and successful at work.”
Jacob Waern | Founder & CEO, eduMe

About Flagger Force

Headquartered in Pennsylvania, Flagger Force is a leading short-term traffic control company. It provides a wide range of services, including flagging, rolling slowdown, and emergency response services. The company has a highly dispersed workforce of 2,200 full-time employees, with operations spanning the entire East Coast and expanding west.


About eduMe

eduMe is the training platform of choice for the frontline. eduMe allows global companies, including Uber, Marriott and Blue Cross Blue Shield to seamlessly deliver immersive, consumer-grade training, in the flow of work, allowing them to improve onboarding, efficiency and retention, with a lower cost. eduMe is integrated into the HR and communication tools your frontline already uses such as Beekeeper, Workday and Microsoft Teams. eduMe is a certified Workday partner with Workday Ventures an investor. It has offices in Los Angeles, USA and in London, UK. Visit us at edume.com to learn more.


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