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How Secure Are Your Workforce’s Internal Communications Channels?

Though today’s consumer digital communications tools are designed to be the ultimate data mines, businesses can’t afford to take data security risks when it comes to their digital internal communications. As personal data becomes an increasingly lucrative commodity, and a currency willingly traded for access to everything from online shopping to social apps, the topic of personal data security should be paramount when developing internal communications channels for your workforce.

Our online actions are being tracked and collected on an unprecedented level, resulting in massive amounts of personal data that can be leveraged for profit and advertorial aims. In contrast, whether your company is 25 to 25,000, we believe that data privacy ethics do scale: data security has been integral to Beekeeper’s team communication app from day one.

Protect Your Workforce From Data Security Issues

The recent Facebook data breach revelation raises important questions regarding company responsibility when it comes to data security. In this case, user data allegedly collected by a researcher from a quiz app downloaded via Facebook’s app marketplace was sold to UK-based political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica.

Downloaded by 270,000 Facebook users, the quiz app also obtained the personal data of those users’ personal contacts––who, importantly, did not consent to the app accessing permissions––to the staggering tune of 50 million people. In light of this, it has never been more imperative for companies to adopt secure digital communication tools and proactively address data security in your digital workplace.

With Beekeeper, you’ve taken the first step in ensuring workforce data security by giving your employees a team communication app with:

  • Secure group messaging
  • Fully-monitored user controls
  • Best-in-class 256-bit TLS encryption
  • GDPR compliance

Facilitating Employee Connection Without Sacrificing Data Privacy

Employees want to be connected; this is a given. If companies don’t provide them with an internal communication solution, they will find messaging alternatives––likely consumer messaging apps like Facebook’s WhatsApp––that pose potentially devastating privacy and data security issues which could prove costly to your business. These consumer messaging apps are not secure, requiring employees to exchange personal information such as cell phone numbers and personal email addresses.

Unlike consumer-facing messaging apps, where your personal data is exchanged for your free usage of the app, Beekeeper alleviates GDPR non-compliance risk as a subscription-based, secure internal communications solution built from the ground up specifically for business messaging needs.

secure internal communications

Secure Workforce Internal Communications with GDPR-Compliant Management Tools

Another key differentiator between consumer messaging tools and Beekeeper’s employee app is the lack of user management capabilities. With Beekeeper, in addition to controlling the messaging of your team communication app, company management can proactively regulate employee data from the moment a new employee is onboarded. This admin control is significant during employee offboarding, too.

Without secure internal communication, an employee who is no longer at the company could still have access to your workforce’s internal communication channels, presenting potential legal ramifications should any proprietary company information be divulged. What’s more, employee data is stored in these unsecured and unmonitored chats via the consumer messaging app. With Beekeeper’s administrative tools, access to your company’s internal messaging app can be closely controlled with personnel changes in your workforce.

Learn the steps you need to take to protect your company data with secure messaging by downloading our Data Security white paper.